welcome to Nous Organisation
Who We Are
The Nous Organisation Limited is a not for profit organisation which raise awareness about mental health issues in the community.
Our Mission
- Our Mission is to raise awareness about mental health issues among the Black, Asians and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Communities in UK and Africa.
- Focussing on support in the community for hard to reach communities to empower through education Staying true to our mission and ensuring that every Operating with Accountability and Empathy.
- To Train Mental Health advocates and ambassadors.
Our Vision
- Our Vision is to enable a community where there is no stigma, no negative stereotype about mental health issues. A community where there is early intervention where there are mental health issues and there is support at the primary and tertiary levels including the community for persons with Mental Health issues.
Our Objectives
- To provide essential information through workshops, open mic sessions and conferences to members of the community about mental health.including the community for persons with Mental Health issues.
- To engage the the youth and raise awareness about mental health issues.
- To serve as a bridge between psychiatrists and other professionals in raising awareness about mental health in our communities.
- To campaign about the improvement of services for members of the Black and Minority Ethnic through social media and other local newspapers and outlets.
- To provide advocacy for those who are and were disadvantaged by existing health services.
- To work collaboratively with Local Authorities to implement their mental health strategy.
- To offer peer support to parents, careers and persons that may be going ‘through’ mental health services.
- To deliver the Mental Health First Aid training in the community.
What We Do
Deliver seminars, conferences workshops in the community to share information and empower persons to understand mental health issues. Working with young people in developing positive self worth and respect for self. We are principled and committed to upholding the cause of raising awareness of mental health issues.
Our Key Values
This is the driving force behind everything we do. It is because of this we are committed to empowering less privileged children in the local communities.
We are committed to starting community based services that campaign for change. We believe that to effect lasting change it requires the efforts of all in the spirit of togetherness. We believe in collaboration and will therefore work with and encourage participation from international and local partners,Private, Public Partnership.
Accountability is a key value and we strive to ensure transparency and accountability to our partners organisations, the community, families and people we support in the community.

Self-worth & Respect
Goals - Deliver seminars, conferences workshops in the community to share
information and empower persons to understand mental health issues. Working with
young people in developing positive self worth and respect for self. We are principled
and committed to upholding the cause of raising awareness of mental health issues.
Our Focus

- To provide essential infor-mation through workshops, open mic sessions and conferences to members of the community about mental health.
- To engage the youth and raise awareness about mental health issues.

- To serve as a bridge between psychiatrists and other professionals in raising awareness about mental health in our communities
- To provide essential inform-ation through workshops, open mic sessions and conferences to members of the community about mental health.

- To provide advocacy for those who are and were disadvantaged by existing health services.
- To work collaboratively with Local Authorities to implement their mental health strategy.

- To offer peer support to parents, careers and persons that may be going ‘through’ mental health services.
- To deliver the Mental Health First Aid training in the community.